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To: Hythe town council

Hythe Skate Park - New Ramps

We believe the skate community would benefit hugely from adding these three new low budget skate ramps to Hythes skate park.
By encouraging new riders into the skate park and providing beginners obstacles, more suited to learning the basics"

Why is this important?

Hythe skate park isn't leaner friendly. This puts a lot of people off riding for the first time and them missing out on so much. The friendships you make. The reward you from learning new tricks while you ride. These 3 new simple ramps would be perfect for people starting out as well as experienced riders.

I teach skateboarding and live I in Hythe. I travel to other skateparks like Deal, and F51 to teach because it’s difficult to learn at Hythe. The lips on each quarter pipe that are already there are in serious need of resurfacing. Also the ramps are big, that’s not a bad thing. We just want to add some smaller ramps to encourage new riders and support the local community that’s already there.

South Rd, Hythe CT21, UK

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2023-01-31 20:46:43 +0000

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