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To: The film and television industry

"I May Destroy You" - a popular award and a protest

Michaela Coel's masterpiece "I May Destroy" has not been nominated for a single Golden Globe award. This is symptomatic of the systemic racism and sexism of the Film and TV industry. To address this issue, all signatories of this petition are co-creating an award in the form of this protest: this petition serves to honour, congratulate and thank Michaela Coel and the team behind "I May Destroy You" for such an exceptional piece of work, as well as to say screw you to the official systems.

Why is this important?

Systemic racism, sexism, transphobia and ableism shouldn't be allowed to stand. Let's find other ways to reward and congratulate success that don't rely on institutional approval or recognition.


2021-03-14 14:33:01 +0000

10 signatures reached