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To: David Cameron

I voted for BREXIT but changed my mind.

As the vote regarding the position of the Uk in the EU falls into disarray, many of the national newspapers, along with the television media, have ran stories featuring voters wishing that they had voted to remain so I put forward this petition to take into account these figures and recount the overall result.

Why is this important?

It is an incredibly important decision that simply cannot be taken lightly, especially with such a tight margin in the deciding votes. Since the vote results the country has had more concise information presented to its population and with such unprecedented circumstances I feel it is imperitive to keep listening to the population's feeling on this matter. After all, the referendum was merely an advisory, certainly not a legally binding vote. Propaganda, muddied facts and figures all played a huge part in the exit, especially regarding the NHS (one of the beacons of the leave campaign), and then what and how the EU actually benefited the UK, especially in the areas of the country that prodominantly voted high to leave.



2019-09-07 22:21:40 +0100

10 signatures reached