To: City of Westminster and Peabody

Implement Speed Limit Reduction and Safety Measures on Turpentine Lane and Peabody Avenue

As a resident of Pimlico, London, I have personally experienced the dangers that come with the excessive speeding along Turpentine Lane and Peabody Avenue. I have narrowly escaped being hit by an oncoming vehicle as I stepped out of my block, a risk that is not just mine but shared by other residents and visitors too.

Turpentine Lane, despite being a narrow car park, is frequently used as a rat run by drivers. This puts both pedestrians and other drivers at risk due to its narrow pavement as well as drivers driving at speed, both ways, including the wrong way, as it's a one way street. The current speed limit of 20mph is simply too fast for such a confined space.

The risks are not hypothetical - there have been cases of car crashes and pedestrians injured due to drivers exceeding the speed limit. These incidents highlight the urgent need for action.

We propose four key changes: Firstly, reduce the speed limit on Turpentine Lane from 20mph to ensure safety in these narrow streets; secondly, install clear signage on Turpentine Lane indicating it's one-way traffic; thirdly, fit speed bumps along both Turpentine Lane and Peabody Avenue to deter speeding, and finally, install additional 5mph speed signs, clear direction and left turn only signs on Peabody Avenue, leading onto Turpentine Lane.

In addition to the above key changes, it is believed by the local community, that the installation of a speeding camera and a detector camera which catches motorists driving the wrong way on Turpentine Lane, would greatly improve safety.

By implementing these measures we can significantly decrease the risk of accidents in our community while ensuring pedestrian safety, and clearer signs will also protect the children's play area. We urge local authorities to take immediate action before more lives are put at risk.

Please sign this petition if you believe in making our streets safer for everyone.

Why is this important?

Our safety as pedestrians are important and the risk of accidents needs to be prevented

Pimlico, London SW1, UK

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