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To: Haringey Council

Improved Recycling Provision

We want the Council to require recycling bins on main roads/high streets such as ‘Wood Green High Road’. This is part of our plan to reduce littering.

Why is this important?

The way the law is structured means that you get up from £400 fines to £2,500 fines for littering. However, there are no laws forcing councils to put recycling bins on high roads. This means that the lack of law is forcing me to break the law. What type of hypocritical society is this?

Other people should join for the movement of change and improvement of our local area in terms of litter.

As a parent/carer/child, is this something you would want your family to go through?

If not, please sign this petition to force Haringey council into putting more bins and help our cause of helping Wood Green become GREATly clean again!

I walk through ‘Wood Green High Road’ everyday and I am having to dodge constant litter throwing at an alarming rate. This is not hygienic and could result in diseases spreading.

Wood Green, London, UK

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2021-10-01 13:33:58 +0100

10 signatures reached