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To: The Government & The Electoral Commission

UK Elections: Include 'None of the Above' on all ballot papers.

We demand that legislation be passed making it law that an official 'None Of The Above' (NOTA) option must be included on UK ballot papers for all future elections.

Why is this important?

For a thorough and definitive analysis of why NOTA is the logical starting point for electoral reform, that could usher in an era of real democracy that maximises the common good, see our white paper here:

Consent is central to the concept of democracy. But consent is only measurable if it is possible to withhold it. In the context of elections, this withholding of consent MUST be formal as consenting (voting) is formal.

Yet it is currently impossible to do this.

Abstaining is not formally withholding consent, it is simply not participating and can be dismissed as voter apathy with no further analysis. Spoiling the ballot in protest is not formally withholding consent either as they are lumped in with those spoiled in error. Any spoiled vote count is therefore meaningless as a measure of voter discontent. And neither abstaining or ballot spoiling affects the election result in any way.

Having a formal 'None of the Above' (NOTA) option on ballot papers is the only way to formally withhold consent at an election.

For this reason, NOTA can be shown to be a democratic pre-requisite. As such, inclusion of it would be achievable, with enough understanding and support for it among the general public, because to argue against NOTA is to argue against the concept of democracy itself, once both ideas are properly understood. The powers-that-be must be seen to be pro-democracy at all times, even if they aren't in practice. NOTA, essential in any true democracy, is therefore achievable. All other touted reforms, PR for example, are seen as desirable only, so can be paid lip service to and ignored by those in power.

This is why NOTA should be the ground zero of electoral reform.

In February 2015 we took a significant step closer to getting it. Thanks to NOTA UK's lobbying, the parliamentary Political & Constitutional Reform Committee (PCRC) felt compelled to recommend that the next government hold a public consultation before May 2016 solely on inclusion of NOTA on ballot papers. This was due to their conclusion that there is not only huge demand for it but that there would be a clear positive impact on voter engagement of having it. This was a huge development.

Unfortunately, one of the very first acts of the incoming Conservative government that year was to shut down the PCRC, rendering all their good work on this and many others issue much harder to follow up on. However, on the upside, it is now an official policy of the Green Party of England & Wales to introduce a Re-Open Nominations (RON) option to UK ballot papers, effectively NOTA by another, less well known name. This is definitely a step in the right direction.

Having a ‘None of the Above’ option on ballot papers for all future UK elections, as well as providing a way for people to cast a protest vote if they so choose, would be a game changer for our political system as a whole – but only if implemented properly i.e.: with formalised consequences for the result in the event of it ‘winning’.

In other countries that have a NOTA option, India for example, in the event of a NOTA ‘win’, the candidate or party polling the next highest number of votes would be allowed to take office regardless. Clearly, this renders the option meaningless, as a NOTA 'win' would indicate that more voters actively rejected all the available candidates than endorsed any one of them. It therefore makes no sense for the next placed candidate or party to be elected.

For NOTA to be effective in the event of it ‘winning’, a remedial process must be triggered. The election must be re-run with new candidates and/or policies in place. In the UK, this would most likely occur at constituency level, triggering by-elections only. But if it were to ever occur nationally, then a second general election would have to follow. This is democracy in action.

In such circumstances, we propose an empty seat is returned for each constituency has rejected all candidates, but for no more than three to months while preparations for by-elections are put in place. This would avoid political instability and the possibility of voter fatigue from having instant re-run elections whilst ensuring that the will of the electorate is honoured in an acceptable time frame. This is no more or less disruptive than what happens when an MP dies or steps down suddenly.

The knock on effect of having this real NOTA option with real ramifications could be huge. To avoid a NOTA defeat, or even to avoid finishing behind the NOTA option (just as embarrassing), parties would have to rethink their choices of candidates and policies and offer something that might be acceptable to more of the electorate, would-be NOTA voters included.

Implemented this way, as well as engaging disillusioned non-voters, NOTA also has the potential to engage disillusioned voters and bring politics and our democracy into the 21st Century, ultimately making our democracy something meaningful and worth engaging with in the first place - something that genuinely maximises the common good over time.

If you agree, please sign and share the petition and let the current crop of career politicians and vested interests know that enough is enough. Thank you.

How it will be delivered

We will email the signatures, deliver the petition in person and stage a press conference.




2025-01-28 14:30:48 +0000

On 22/04/2024 NOTA UK founder Jamie Stanley appeared on Times Radio talking to Matt Chorley about the need for NOTA on ballot papers. Listen in here:

2019-03-20 14:01:28 +0000

A few weeks ago NOTA UK founder Jamie Stanley appeared on Matthew Wright's Talk Radio show to talk about our campaign. See a clip of it here:

Please do share this clip and the petition. We can do this!

2015-11-24 23:21:34 +0000

I'm pleased to announce that, as of its most recent conference, it is now official policy of the Green Party of England & Wales to add a Re-Open Nominations (RON) option to UK ballot papers if ever in power. RON is effectively NOTA by another, less familiar name, so this is definitely a step in the right direction and a huge boost for our campaign. We are in contact with the party and will be advising and helping to develop the policy in the coming months and years. We will of course once again endeavour to find out where all the other mainstream parties stand on this issue in light of the Green Party's endorsement. Find out more about this development in this blog on the NOTA UK site:

2015-05-07 13:50:45 +0100

10,000 signatures reached

2015-02-19 11:50:36 +0000

Another big boost for the campaign! I was invited on RT's 'Going Underground' show to talk in depth about NOTA, watch the interview here:

2015-02-05 17:46:20 +0000

NEWS JUST IN: NOTA campaign gets massive boost from parliamentary select committee!

On 05/02/15, the parliamentary Political & Constitutional Reform Committee (PCRC) published its report on ‘voter engagement’ in which it recommends a whole slew of electoral reforms to be implemented during the next parliament.

As a result of NOTA UK’s lobbying and public engagement with the PCRC, although it has stopped short of including NOTA as one of its recommended immediate reforms, it has explicitly stated in its report that it believes that the demand for NOTA and the potential positive effects on voter engagement of having it means that the next government must hold a public consultation on this specific issue.

This is a huge achievement for us.

You can read our blog on the report here:

We've a long way to go of course. Please keep spreading the word and sharing our 38 Degrees petition!

Onwards & Upwards!
Jamie Stanley

2014-12-04 15:30:53 +0000

BREAKING NEWS for 04/12/14: Parliamentary Committee recognises NOTA as a possible reform and wants YOUR views on it!

The parliamentary Political & Constitutional Reform Committee looking into voter engagement are launching a survey to gauge the public’s views on a set of proposed reforms. Thanks to our lobbying, it includes this question:

“6. Should “None of the above” be an option on the ballot paper?"

This the first time, to our knowledge, that NOTA has ever been seriously discussed and put forward by a parliamentary committee as a possible reform.

You know what to do!

Here is the survey:

Let’s seize this opportunity with both hands and make the call for real NOTA ‘with teeth’ absolutely overwhelming!

2014-05-09 09:23:57 +0100

5,000 signatures reached

2013-10-30 19:22:51 +0000

Thank you to all new signers! Please join the official NOTA-UK facebook group here to take part in the discussion and stay up to date with the campaign:

2013-10-02 23:44:27 +0100

Thank you all for signing my petition demanding an official None Of the Above option on the UK ballot paper for all future elections. You have helped it reach an important 1000 signature benchmark and kept it alive on the 38 Degrees website.

I intend for this petition to run right up until the next general election and I pledge to deliver it in person to the Electoral Commission and 10 Downing Street with as many of you who want to join me. Imagine if we could get tens, maybe even hundreds of thousands of signatures by then. There's nothing stopping us. If the petition takes off in a big way, 38 Degrees will most likely take it on as a fully funded campaign. So please help spread the word by forwarding the link below to your friends and asking them to sign and do the same:

2013-09-23 21:13:00 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2013-06-18 18:27:50 +0100

500 signatures reached