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To: UK Government
Increase legacy benefits by the same £20 per week given to Universal Credit due to the pandemic

The government has already raised Universal Credit and working tax credit payments by £20 a week for 12 months. Increase legacy benefits such as jobseekers allowance, employment support allowance and child tax credit by the same £20 per week and backdate this payment to April.
Why is this important?
The government has already raised Universal Credit and working tax credit payments by £20 a week for 12 months, but those on benefits that have not yet been replaced by Universal have not received the same help.
Recipients of legacy benefits are often amongst our most vulnerable, including disabled people, carers and people with young families. It is unacceptable that these people have been left facing hardship, just because they happen, through no fault of their own, to be claiming the ‘wrong’ kind of benefit.”
Government focus is on appeasing the unprecedented numbers of new claimants for Universal Credit. But in the background, people on legacy benefits have slipped down the list of priorities and been forgotten.
This cannot be allowed to continue.
Recipients of legacy benefits are often amongst our most vulnerable, including disabled people, carers and people with young families. It is unacceptable that these people have been left facing hardship, just because they happen, through no fault of their own, to be claiming the ‘wrong’ kind of benefit.”
Government focus is on appeasing the unprecedented numbers of new claimants for Universal Credit. But in the background, people on legacy benefits have slipped down the list of priorities and been forgotten.
This cannot be allowed to continue.