To: Angela Rayner MP, Secretary of State for Housing

Increase local and National Tax on second homes and Air B&Bs

Increase Council Tax on second homes and Air B&Bs and income tax on income generated from them

Why is this important?

We are, almost daily, reminded of the chronic housing shortage yet there are many houses in the UK which stand empty for a proportion of the year or are only owned to generate income by being holiday lets or Air B&Bs.

This not only inflates house prices but also denies many young families the opportunity to buy their own home in the area in which they were born and raised.

In the meanwhile plans proceed to build ever more houses on what are, currently, green field sites.

A solution could be to increase both Council Tax on non residential properties and Income tax on the income generated.

This might free up properties for first time buyers particularly in tourist areas where the shortage is greatest