To: Lucy Neville- Rolfe - Minister of State for the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy

Institute a cross Party Independent Investigation to alternatives to New Nuclear Plants in UK

Have an broad remit cross party investigation into the best alternative way to invest for the UKs future energy. Investigation should be used to counter the current proposals that have not looked at energy efficiency, policy and ignore long term costs and medium term safety risks.

Why is this important?

The current Nuclear proposal is on hold but significant pressure from China and the scientific establishment lobby groups not offering up an agreed alternative means we are at one minute to Midnight.
The current option is unproven nuclear technology funded by China and is not fully accounted for in terms of even finishing the initial build, waste management and safety.
Some scientists say that we cannot rely on renewables due to lack of energy storage. However, there are many storage systems that with just a fraction of £18 Billion invested in them could deliver. As the energy storage business is small in comparison to the nuclear industry its lobby power is small but should not be overlooked. Also, investing in the nuclear industry does not lead to export opportunities that a powerful energy storage business could offer as most western nations have turned their backs on nuclear but are highly interested in mass energy storage systems.
The remit of the committee should include export opportunities for mass energy storage systems, energy efficiency and policy, as these are currently delivering only a fraction of the potential there .