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To: Kent County Council

Install a safe crossing at West End, Brasted

We urge Kent County Council to act and install a pedestrian crossing at this location.

Why is this important?

As you may have noticed, the lack of a pedestrian crossing at the bottom of our road poses a serious risk to the safety of pedestrians, including children going to the school bus stop, elderly individuals, dog walkers going over to the rec and families. With the increasing traffic flow in our area, crossing the road has become increasingly hazardous, especially during peak hours.

To address this issue and ensure the safety of all residents, I am proposing the installation of a safe pedestrian crossing at the bottom of our road. This will not only enhance the safety of pedestrians but also contribute to the overall well-being of our community.

Protect our children getting to school safely as well as families and dog walkers accessing the recreation park safely and protect our Village from speeding drivers and HGV’s entering the village. We have the right to live in a safe village.

If you share our commitment to pedestrian safety and would like to support this initiative, please sign the online petition below.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and we look forward to your support in making our neighbourhood a safer place for everyone.

How it will be delivered

Online petition delivered to Kent County Council

W End, Brasted, Westerham TN16 1HT, UK

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2024-04-19 20:03:57 +0100

We will provide updates as soon as we have them, but for now, please know that we've made a positive start on what may be a long road ahead, possibly up to 18 months.

2024-04-19 20:03:14 +0100

Your efforts have been instrumental in gathering over 100+ local signatures for our petition, which has empowered us to take our cause to our local councillors.

We have reached out to three local councillors, and we've had the opportunity to meet with Councillor Williams on-site. Additionally, we have another meeting scheduled with Councillors Robinson & Alger on April 27th. Your ongoing support in sharing the petition with friends and family will help us maintain this momentum.

In addition to engaging our local councillors, we have also attended the recent Annual Parish meeting in Brasted, where our petition will be on the agenda for the next meeting. Furthermore, we have forwarded the petition directly to Nick Chard at the KCC, as his support holds significant weight in council decision-making for our area.

2024-04-03 20:06:06 +0100

Good evening All, the petition has been delivered to our 3 local councillors, Robinson, Williams and Alger. As well as to Kent County Council themselves. I will await a response and update you all of
Any progress.

2024-03-25 10:37:07 +0000

Thank you all, we have over 100 local
Signatures which is fantastic but obviously the more the better! We will keep the petition open for one more week and close in the evening of the 1st April. We will then look to deliver the petition to the KCC and local councillors. Thank you for your ongoing support!

2024-03-24 13:54:23 +0000

100 signatures reached

2024-03-20 18:33:38 +0000

Thank you everyone, we have reached 50 local
Signatures in 4 days, however we need 100 in order to present to the local councillors and Kent County Council. Please keep Sharing to help our cause.

2024-03-20 17:53:19 +0000

50 signatures reached

2024-03-17 19:39:11 +0000

25 signatures reached

2024-03-16 17:17:41 +0000

10 signatures reached