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To: Dorset County Council and Weymouth and Portland Borough Council

Install a temporary pedestrian crossing on the Weymouth Way at Southill

Please install a temporary pedestrian crossing on the Weymouth Way at Southill to replace the one that has been closed.

Why is this important?

If nothing is done then someone is going to get hurt!

The pedestrian crossing on the Weymouth Way at Southill was installed for a very good reason, that being the road is too dangerous to cross without it.

Prior to the crossing being installed you quite literally took your life in your hands as you made a quick dash across the roundabout approach roads. Those with mobility issues or young children were faced with an even greater risk.

Weeks ago a minor gas leak was detected close to the crossing and the crossing has been barricaded to prevent it being used. We have since been told it's a complicated leak and may take some time to repair, but we don't know if that's to be measured in weeks, months or even years.

So we are back to making a dash for it across the roundabout as before, a situation that was considered too dangerous and the reason the crossing was installed.

If the situation was having a negative impact on drivers I am sure some form of temporary lights would have been installed, but as it only affects pedestrians then nothing happens.

Signs have been erected asking drivers to take care as pedestrians may be crossing the road, but I can confirm that most drivers are ignoring the signs. I was nearly hit by a speeding car as, rather than slowing slightly to give me more time to finish crossing, the driver thought it best to accelerate and blare the horn.

So the question is why can't temporary crossing lights be installed until such times as the gas main is repaired?

Southill Weymouth

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2019-02-19 20:20:47 +0000

500 signatures reached

2019-02-17 18:51:08 +0000

100 signatures reached

2019-02-17 17:53:45 +0000

50 signatures reached

2019-02-17 17:36:41 +0000

25 signatures reached

2019-02-17 17:23:52 +0000

10 signatures reached