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To: The Rt Hon Alex Chalk MP - Minister of Justice

New law which prevents shooting beside people, animals & someone else's land or garden

I am calling for the Minister of Justice to introduce a new law which means that there is a minimum distance of 500m, where people who use guns for shooting animals, cannot do so within that distance of people, animals and someone else's land or garden. I want the Minister to protect people and animals from those who choose to shoot and cause alarm, distress and physical injury to others, inc animals such as horses and dogs.

Why is this important?

Disclaimer: This petition does not make any claims or reference to specific locations or incidents when calling for introducing a new law.

There is no law as to how close you can let off firearms beside people, animals or someone else's land or garden. Sadly not everyone who has a gun license is responsible or considerate of other people, or their safety. This has resulted in a number of accidents and injuries, some serious, to people and animals when those who were shooting, did so at such close proximity. Currently someone can let off a gun adjacent to someone land, with them standing on their boundary, with horses or other animals present and there is no law which prevent this. The fact that someone can run a pheasant or grouse shoot, or shoot animals, right beside you, causing great fear, alarm, distress and injury, and there is no law to protect you, is simply wrong.

I have sadly experienced years of injuries to myself and my horses. I believe there are also issues with shooting happening close to family homes, and that parents are concerned about the impacts on their children.

I do not know of any law to stop what I believe to be dangerous and irresponsible behaviour, and in my experience this means I have not been able to get support from the police.

I am calling for the Government to act and introduce a new law, with a minimum distance of 500m, to protect the safety of people and animals from those with guns.
United Kingdom

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