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To: Commons Select Committee on Standards
Investigate George Osbourne's Expenses

Dear Commons Select Committee on Standards,
Please investigate why George Osbourne failed to declare ownership of his paddock on the Register of MP's interests. George Osbourne claimed interest on a mortgage secured to purchase land which was not declared. This land was sold at considerable profit. Why did the Tax payer fund this enrichment of a wealthy Government Minister? Are we all in it together?
Please investigate why George Osbourne failed to declare ownership of his paddock on the Register of MP's interests. George Osbourne claimed interest on a mortgage secured to purchase land which was not declared. This land was sold at considerable profit. Why did the Tax payer fund this enrichment of a wealthy Government Minister? Are we all in it together?
Why is this important?
In a time of austerity a few are profiting nicely at the tax payers expense.
MP's expenses need to be rigourously scrutineed in order to restore public confidence in our leaders. For Osbourne to declare that 'we are all in it together' is rank hypocrisy in the extreme.
More background: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/georgeosborne/9729139/George-Osborne-bought-paddock-with-taxpayers-money.html
MP's expenses need to be rigourously scrutineed in order to restore public confidence in our leaders. For Osbourne to declare that 'we are all in it together' is rank hypocrisy in the extreme.
More background: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/georgeosborne/9729139/George-Osborne-bought-paddock-with-taxpayers-money.html