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To: The prime minister Boris Johnson.

Justice for baby Sarah

Please help me and my . Family get An article 2 inquest into the death of my Baby sister . Sarah who was found hanging in a. Lambeth children's home At only 11 months old from the top of the bunkbed. And an enquiry into Lamberth's enquiry into the death of my sister Sarah . So we can get the justice that Sarah & . Her family so deserve also would like the police to do a proper murder investigation into her death because this. Has Never" been done, thank you so much, please Help us by signing and shareing!! šŸ™

Why is this important?

Please sign this petition . So my baby sister can get the justice she's so deserves. She would still be alive today if she didn't . Cry and because of this she was taken out of her cot and tied to the top of a bunkbed using restraints and pyjama cords in a Lambeth children's home there's never been a murder investigation into her death it's disgraceful please help sign and share this petition to everyone you know help us get justice thank you so much. Help us get the article 2 inquest.....

How it will be delivered

By hand

London, UK

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2022-05-23 03:30:03 +0100

500 signatures reached

2021-07-08 15:47:57 +0100

2021-05-27 16:26:43 +0100

100 signatures reached

2021-05-26 09:11:55 +0100

50 signatures reached

2021-05-26 08:20:10 +0100

My Sister Only Died because she/ Cried. She was in a Lambeth Children's Home. And Because. Sarah was Crying for Her Mum/ Or Love & attention she was taken out of a cot that she was in. And tied to the top of a bunkbed using restraints and pyjama chords. No you've got to remember we're talking about an 11 month old baby. At the coroners court the verdict was left open. I was assured that the child sex abuse enquiry a murder squad would investigate the death of my sister this didn't happen they just went over the paperwork. I want an enquiry into the way the police. Have handled the case and the way Lamberth didn't a hold a proper enquiry. Even counsellors went to the newspapers and stated LamberthS enquiry into my sisters death didn't go far enough

2021-05-25 06:26:44 +0100

25 signatures reached

2021-05-19 10:07:16 +0100

10 signatures reached