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To: Co-op Board & Directors

Keep Claines "Little" Co-op

Please keep Claines "little" co-op open! This store is busy every day. A hive of activity with frequent deliveries from large co-op lorries.

The staff are so helpful. Part and parcel of Claines community, they are treasured by many.

With known co-op brands and an extensive range for a convenience store, it is run efficiently, well stocked and regularly replenished. There is no sound reason for this successful store to close.

Why is this important?

Please do sign this petition now.

As a local city and county councillor, I have not yet been able to secure a guarantee, the store will remain open trading as Co-op and there are real concerns it will cease trading as a co-op.

Retail can move fast. It is vital we let the Co-op Board and Directors know how important and successful this store is, how valued and treasured it is, a flag ship for the co-op brand and very much part of the Claines community.
387 Ombersley Rd, Northwick, Worcester WR3 7DA, UK

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2023-04-28 20:04:34 +0100

100 signatures reached

2023-04-28 14:09:07 +0100

50 signatures reached

2023-04-28 12:18:09 +0100

25 signatures reached

2023-04-28 08:14:41 +0100

10 signatures reached