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To: Babergh District Council

Keep East Bergholt Rural and Protect our Green fields

Dear Minister,

Please do not allow any more building on green fields in areas close to East Bergholt. This includes Brantham, where there is a proposal to build up to 600 new homes on green and brown fields. If houses must be built, they must be built where there are already a high number of houses in the district. Make use of sites that aren't being used and reconvert them to dwellings. It can be done and it must be done.

Why is this important?

Villages across the nation are losing their tranquillity and wildlife is vanishing, such as our barn owls. With more housing in rural areas, this leads to more traffic, more crime, and more vandalism. There are sites that can't be sold and are not being used that can be reconverted to dwellings without tearing up the countryside.

East Bergholt and surrounding areas

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2015-07-15 20:20:41 +0100

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