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To: Home Secretary Priti Patel

Don't deport 10 year old orphan Giorgi to a country he doesn't know.

Grant asylum to Giorgi and his grandmother Katy in order that he remains in Glasgow, safe from the threat of violence or trafficking in Georgia.

Why is this important?

Giorgi is now 13 years old and was given 30 months leave to remain in the UK in July 2018.
He is an orphan and his residence permit, and that of his grandmother (his legal guardian), expired on December 28, 2020. He once again faces an uncertain future and is effectively living on borrowed time. Giorgi and his late mother, Sophie, fled Georgia, a former Soviet republic, and came to Glasgow when he was three years old. She feared his life was in mortal danger because his father owed money to gangsters who threatened to take him and sell him to pay the debt.
I have known Giorgi since he was at the primary school where I am chaplain and he is a gentle, thoughtful, intelligent and funny boy. He is now in high school and thriving, socially and academically.
Giorgi's mother died after a long and painful illness and I, a Church of Scotland minister, conducted her funeral and have been supporting him ever since. Sophie was in the middle of an asylum application when she died and her dying wish was that he grew up a Scottish boy in a safe and secure environment. However, he is still at risk of being sent back to a country he does not remember. The Home Office must show moral courage and do the right thing to ensure that he remains in Glasgow where he belongs. I have watched this young man grow and I have been so inspired by his progress. He is a delight to be around and I fully believe that if we support him now, he will become an asset to our country in the future.

Giorgi is, to all intents and purposes, a Scottish teenager and his life is in this country. If he was returned to Georgia against his will, he would be under threat and his future would be very bleak.

Please help us to keep Giorgi in Glasgow. This is the only home he has ever known and he is proud to be from Springburn. His schooling would be disrupted and his life would be at risk in Georgia. Or worse!

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL



3 years ago

Friends, we are delighted to say, that with your support, the Home Office has granted Giorgi the right to live in the UK permanently. We are very pleased and grateful to each and every one of you who has signed this petition. However, the Home Office has only extended his grandmother's permit for 30 months so the fight continues to persuade the Home Secretary to do the right thing and give Giorgi's sole kinship carer the same status as him. Members of the Scottish Parliament have already signaled their support and we hope the issue can be raised in the House of Commons ASAP to force a rethink.

3 years ago

Friends, Giorgi is now 13 years old and was given 30 months leave to remain in the UK in July 2018. His residence permit, and that of his grandmother (his legal guardian), expired on December 28, 2020 and once again faces an uncertain future and is effectively living on borrowed time. It would be a tragedy for him and our community if he was forced to leave the UK and move to a foreign country. We have reactivated the campaign and hope to bring it to the attention of people at the highest levels to ensure that the UK Government extends his residency permit immediately and that of his grandmother so he can remain in his home country where he is safe and doing well.

6 years ago

Friends, we are so thankful for your support. We thought you'd like to know that the Home Office has granted Giorgi and his grandmother leave to remain in the UK for two-and-a-half-years. The immediate risk of deportation has been lifted but the threat of it is still hanging over Giorgi’s head at a crucial time in his life. So the campaign continues because he should not have to endure this uncertainty in order to try and stay in the only country he has ever known as home. Bob Doris, MSP for Glasgow Maryhill and Springburn, has urged Home Secretary Sajid Javid to grant full British citizenship to Giorgi and his grandmother. This is a call backed by the Church of Scotland and we would like more signatures to strengthen our appeal to the Home Office. So please continue to share the invitation to support a 10-year-old boy who deserves a chance of a normal life, a chance to grow up and flourish. Thanks again.

6 years ago

50,000 signatures reached

6 years ago

20,000 signatures reached

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10,000 signatures reached

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5,000 signatures reached

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1,000 signatures reached

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500 signatures reached

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50 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached