500 signatures reached
To: Ealing Borough Council
Keep North Acton Playing Fields for the Community!

Reject the planning proposal by Football Samurai Academy to convert and extend the existing grass football pitch to the north of the existing tennis courts into a new '3G' floodlit football pitch. Also to be rejected is the plan for the provision of a new '3G' floodlit Multi-Use Games Area to the west of the existing tennis courts and the erection of a new changing pavilion and kiosk to the west of Park Lodge in the approximate position of the former garage/storage building as well as the associated changes to the location of the existing southernmost cricket pitch.
Why is this important?
1) North Acton Playing Fields are designated as Public Open Space on the Ealing Policies Map and fall within the definition of a ‘Local Park’ in the London Plan.
2) North Acton Playing Fields are the nearest open space to the considerable developments c15,000 persons in and around Gypsy Corner. Many developers have sited the Playing Fields in their applications referring to the Ealing Green Space Strategy 2012-2022.
3) LBE has asked the Gypsy Corner/North Acton developers to provide Section 106 monies in excess of £500,000 to be spent on the playing fields.
4) The current artificial football pitch (originally 2 hard tennis courts) and remaining tennis courts are now privately managed; the tennis courts are rarely available to the public.
5) The plans to re-site the popular cricket pitch will not allow enough space for a game and be sited dangerously close to the children’s playground.
6) Gating off the South East Corner of the park will prevent walkers and runners (distance markers in situ) using popular paths and accessing park from south-east corner.
7) Increase in noise and light pollution especially late at night for residents near to football pitches.
8) Increase in air pollution from increase in traffic – Gypsy Corner already known to be a dangerously high.
9) Pavilion with changing rooms and café already available in park – no need for additional buildings.
10) Two large artificial sports pitches will be a hazard to dogs, wildlife and their habitats; and possibly human health. They will also affect the ecology of the area. These artificial grass facilities are also creating wastes which will never biodegrade.
11) The proposals are against the original purpose for which the park was purchased, as stated in the Covenant dated 7/9/1911.
Finally, these proposals include a permanent loss of recreational playing fields. This could well have an enormous impact on the local community’s mental well-being and physical health. There will minimal space left for relaxation and recreational use and limited sports facilities available to the whole community.
2) North Acton Playing Fields are the nearest open space to the considerable developments c15,000 persons in and around Gypsy Corner. Many developers have sited the Playing Fields in their applications referring to the Ealing Green Space Strategy 2012-2022.
3) LBE has asked the Gypsy Corner/North Acton developers to provide Section 106 monies in excess of £500,000 to be spent on the playing fields.
4) The current artificial football pitch (originally 2 hard tennis courts) and remaining tennis courts are now privately managed; the tennis courts are rarely available to the public.
5) The plans to re-site the popular cricket pitch will not allow enough space for a game and be sited dangerously close to the children’s playground.
6) Gating off the South East Corner of the park will prevent walkers and runners (distance markers in situ) using popular paths and accessing park from south-east corner.
7) Increase in noise and light pollution especially late at night for residents near to football pitches.
8) Increase in air pollution from increase in traffic – Gypsy Corner already known to be a dangerously high.
9) Pavilion with changing rooms and café already available in park – no need for additional buildings.
10) Two large artificial sports pitches will be a hazard to dogs, wildlife and their habitats; and possibly human health. They will also affect the ecology of the area. These artificial grass facilities are also creating wastes which will never biodegrade.
11) The proposals are against the original purpose for which the park was purchased, as stated in the Covenant dated 7/9/1911.
Finally, these proposals include a permanent loss of recreational playing fields. This could well have an enormous impact on the local community’s mental well-being and physical health. There will minimal space left for relaxation and recreational use and limited sports facilities available to the whole community.
How it will be delivered
In person to Ealing Council