1,000 signatures reached
To: David Cameron
Keep the Ban on Fox Hunting

The Prime Minister, David Cameron, has said he believes in the "freedom to hunt" and wants fox hunting legalised. He has said he has "always been a strong supporter of country sports" and that "it is [his] firm belief that people should have the freedom to hunt". After their majority win in the election on 7th May 2015, the Conservatives will very likely hold a parliamentary vote on repealing the fox hunting ban.
The practice of fox hunting involves setting a pack of dogs on a fox and then chasing it on horseback, usually in traditional dress. The "sport" is to many people a vicious and outdated pastime, and the idea of repealing the ban put in place by the Labour government, so that people like Cameron can hunt and kill helpless creatures, is a horrific one.
Please sign this petition to show the Prime Minister how archaic his view is on the topic of hunting for sport, and show your support for the animals that the ban currently protects.
The practice of fox hunting involves setting a pack of dogs on a fox and then chasing it on horseback, usually in traditional dress. The "sport" is to many people a vicious and outdated pastime, and the idea of repealing the ban put in place by the Labour government, so that people like Cameron can hunt and kill helpless creatures, is a horrific one.
Please sign this petition to show the Prime Minister how archaic his view is on the topic of hunting for sport, and show your support for the animals that the ban currently protects.
Why is this important?
Blood sports need to be confined to the history books. In recent surveys over 80% of the public are against fox hunting and other such 'sports' such as hare coursing and yet within this year there will be an open vote amongst MPs which could mean the views of the people are ignored. Please sign this petition to show your support against barbaric and sickening blood sports that have no place in today's society..
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