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To: FoodOnCampus

Keep the MIB cafe open

The Interface Cafe in the Manchester Institute of Biotechnology needs to remain open.

Why is this important?

The 'Interface Cafe' is just that - it brings together the MIB's interdisciplinary researchers, academics, PhD students and PS staff and helps foster the building's sense of community. Whether it is quick catch-ups whilst waiting for coffee, or scientific discussions over lunch, these impromptu meetings will simply not happen without the Cafe. It also plays a key role as a social, yet confidential, meeting venue with industrial partners.

'Industrial Biotechnology' is one of the University's Research Beacons. To focus exclusively on the short-term financials is to understate the Cafe's importance to the MIB, and its position as one of the World's leading biotechnology institutes.

Manchester Institute of Biotechnology, Princess Street, Manchester

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2019-09-04 17:27:44 +0100

100 signatures reached

2019-09-04 14:59:15 +0100

50 signatures reached

2019-09-04 14:43:53 +0100

25 signatures reached

2019-09-04 14:40:06 +0100

10 signatures reached