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To: Fallibroome Academy and Cheshire West and Chester Education

Keep the Winsford Academy Sixth Form Open

Ensure adequate funds to allow the ambitious and aspirational young people of the town to study locally with the excellent teaching and support this school offers. Don't allow a reduction in funds to thwart the future careers of local children.

Why is this important?

Keeping the sixth form open will promote aspiration to succeed improving the pool of local talent for local employers, bringing prosperity to the town and promote pride and ownership of success for the school and its young people. Stop young people travelling for miles to be taught when excellent teaching is already on the doorstep.
Winsford, Cheshire

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2015-02-11 14:47:43 +0000

So many thanks to everyone who has signed and commented. Clearly this is an issue which the community is passionate about. It demonstrates the interest people have in the future of the young people of Winsford and understand how crucial this matter is to developing the future of the town. A final push for signatures would be great - just twenty seven more needed to reach 300. Please sign if you support this petition.
Thank you

2015-01-31 15:37:49 +0000

100 signatures reached

2015-01-25 16:31:23 +0000

50 signatures reached

2015-01-23 23:54:39 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-01-23 21:01:29 +0000

10 signatures reached