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To: The Secretary of State (Communities and Local Government) and Cambridge City Council

Lop The Marque down to size in Cambridge

Issue and execute a demolition order on part (top four floors) or all of this monstrous building. Put in a strict ceiling on residential buildings to prevent slums in future. Make an example of this "exceptional" building.

Why is this important?

High rise residential buildings are a recipe of urban blight. Particularly in a picturesque location like Cambridge. The Marque development pushes the envelope of acceptable heights for living in the city centre. Not only has it won awards for truly bad architecture, it sets a terrible precedent for residential buildings in Cambridge. Housing has plenty of scope to expand within the city without extending permission above six floors for residential building and use. Street level daylight is getting limited and if ten storey apartment blocks become the norm (by precedent) then a small city that is mostly two storey housing will over develop, past more reasonable four or five storey apartments into slum high-rises. Councils generally should be managing upward growth of redevelopments in a more gradual way that allows the pressure for elevation to spread more evenly over the city landscape before accepting a new height.

The corner of Hills Road and Cherry Hinton Road in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, UK

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2016-03-13 19:33:35 +0000

50 signatures reached

2015-10-19 15:05:44 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-10-19 09:45:00 +0100

10 signatures reached

2015-10-07 18:27:00 +0100