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To: The Parliamentary Labour Party

Labour Leadership Unity

Allow the current Labour leadership competition to run its course and respect the outcome whoever the leader. If certain politicians undermine the process by refusing to allow it to go forward this far into the competition it could divide the party and make so many feel like their opinion is being undervalued. We the undersigned appeal to Labour MP'S to allow the competition to complete within the current rules and to offer their complete support to whomever should win and become our leader.

Why is this important?

We have decided how to select our leader and begun a now undermine that process because you feel it might not produce what you believe is the best outcome is to put the future of the party at more risk than the selection of any of the candidates.



2015-07-28 02:21:32 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-07-27 22:10:05 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-07-27 21:33:25 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-07-27 21:20:45 +0100

10 signatures reached