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To: Government legislation via housing minister

Law for all new builds to have solar and / or heat pumps

I need your support to make this happen.

With the cost of living crisis affecting millions and likely to get much worse, now is the time to mandate that developers install solar PV and heat pumps (either air to water or air to air) on all new builds as part of standard legislation. This needs to become law and any blockers or barriers removed. This needs to happen now not in 5 years, or 10 years, or whenever the government decides to push back legislation.

Developers and energy companies make billions in profit and if green energy solutions were installed earlier then this will be a small cost for the developer due to the stage of the install and economies of scale. Resulting in costing a fraction of the £20k current costs to install. Which is down to individuals to finance.

This would also boost the green economy and start the UK on the right footing to become more green and self sustaining much like Scandinavian countries such as Sweden and Norway. Who use sustainable means to power most of their country whilst profiting from exporting energy. This is not rocket science it's already happening in other countries and we are not taking advantage.

Yes we may need to improve the grid as we generate more energy but that is a good thing and will further boost the economy whilst saving the average homeowner thousands per year.

I'm concerned we (the Government ) are protecting energy companies too much maybe because Gvt has a vested interest. But this needs to stop and the Government needs to help the public more whilst boosting the economy and removing our reliance on Russian and Saudi oil and gas

Obviously this is only one small step to address the problem but it needs to start somewhere and ultimately we need more to ensure all homes are self sufficient and clean, but it's a step in the right direction and will create a platform to improve existing homes rather than exacerbating the issue. It seems a no brainer but needs some political clout and intervention now.

This will boost the green economy massively and completely change the direction the country is headed towards and would reduce the need for solar farms, and other expensive measures. It seems bonkers to me that this isn't being made to happen. We can re skill people in installing solar, especially those that are at risk through the economy and changing in technology (e.g. driverless cars). But it will support that by ensuring some people can charge their electric vehicle at home using their own generated power.

I already have support from many organisations and political parties including Greenpeace, Green Party, Labour, Plaid Cymru, SNP, Liberal Democrats, 100renewable, Green alliance to name a few. However the campaign now needs public support and the issue to be debated in parliament prior to the general election. So please help achieve this by supporting me and my campaign.

Please note that there is a Government consultation out now on a similar issue that you should complete and highlight the importance of solar and heat pumps as well as signing this petition:


Why is this important?

Because it will save the public thousands whilst boosting the economy and helping us achieve our climate goals. It's a win win win situation. Unless you're a shareholder for an energy company.



2024-01-17 13:04:59 +0000

25 signatures reached

2024-01-08 15:01:51 +0000

10 signatures reached