To: The Government commitees
Legislative Law for the Static Caravan Lodge Holiday Parks Industry,

The Static Caravan Lodges Holiday Homes Industry needs Legislative Laws in place with stricter regulations, to protect the
Caravan Lodge Owners, (Consumers), against the current unfair practices that are consistently
active on many of the Static Caravan Holiday Parks throughout the United Kingdom.
A multi-million pound, Consumer Industry with no current legislation in place is allowing the Consumers,
to be misled and mis-sold at great cost both monetarily and mentally.
Clear, concise and transparent information is NOT always given at point of sale and
Caravan Lodge Owners are left to fend for themselves when things are not going right,
with no Legal Governing body or specific laws in place to help them.
Those Park Owners who are currently running these Parks for monetary gain only, need to
answer to laws if they are acting unfairly, unjust and not in the Consumers interest.
The current regulations are failing the Consumers.
Caravan Lodge Owners, (Consumers), against the current unfair practices that are consistently
active on many of the Static Caravan Holiday Parks throughout the United Kingdom.
A multi-million pound, Consumer Industry with no current legislation in place is allowing the Consumers,
to be misled and mis-sold at great cost both monetarily and mentally.
Clear, concise and transparent information is NOT always given at point of sale and
Caravan Lodge Owners are left to fend for themselves when things are not going right,
with no Legal Governing body or specific laws in place to help them.
Those Park Owners who are currently running these Parks for monetary gain only, need to
answer to laws if they are acting unfairly, unjust and not in the Consumers interest.
The current regulations are failing the Consumers.
Why is this important?
To stop the bad practices that have damaged the lives of so many people due to no fault of their own .