To: Restaurants and pub owners

Let people use the toilets

Photo by Yena Kwon on Unsplash
Let people use the toilets in pubs and restaurants.

I can understand them refusing if the public toilets were open and they were near by. Some people may have bladder problems etc and since I gave birth I struggle to hold it in. They make loads of money of customers and feel it’s very unreasonable to refuse someone to use their toilet. This is wrong. When people go on the street they get evil looks and even can be arrested. They probably do this because they’ve been turned down from using the toilet when they really need to go. It’s completely wrong and very unreasonable

Why is this important?

How would you feel if you were dying for the toilet and couldn’t go? On top of that to hold it in can make you very ill. You would get arrested or fined if you did it on the street and not everyone can hold it in!