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To: Every government in the world

Let's go nuclear on health service investment

WE surely must realise from Covid-19 that what the world really needs is fit-for-purpose health services, not pointless nuclear weapons which will never in reality be used.
We need to divert every penny of military nuclear spending into national health services.
This is not a political belief but a pragmatic view.
We really are all in this together, so why should we waste the money which could protect us all from the real future threat of pandemic disease on utterly pointless macho posturing?
My granddaughters are both in primary school, yet they recognise the truth of this, so I'm starting this petition in their name, and that of all the children around the world to whom we owe a future.

Why is this important?

If you have to ask this question you're probably part of the problem, and won't see the solution.
How can it be sensible to continue to invest our 'public tax trillions' into something which can only end humanity, when we could invest in something that we've all now realised is actually our first and last line of defence against a threat which is real and likely to come back bigger and badder in the future?



2020-04-25 09:19:52 +0100

10 signatures reached