To: The Prime Minister

Lets Challenge Petrol price rises today!!

The cost of living is way to high for everybody & this cannot be deigned & with Covid causing a major headache for everyone.
This has caused a major drain on the people of Great Britain & is hitting them deeply in their pockets when prices have risen to an all time high in the shops & on the forecourts while facing attacks on the family credit & loss of jobs etc.
It is time to step in an help the poorest in the community as well as those who need to get to work & a car is their only way of doing so this will only force people to stay working from home as the only alternative to traveling in to work & in some cases this will prevent many self employed people from going out to work such as community nurses mid wifes etc. you are the only one that we can get to make the Chancellor freeze all retail prices until this emergency is at an end & that includes the rising cost of petrol. We need these prices to be capped for we only have further price rises to look forward to this coming winter with the further threat of Gas & Electricity going up. IT is time to act now before the budget will you support this petition giving it your full back & sign it?

Why is this important?

Petrol prices are at a record high
The cost of petrol has hit a record high in the UK, as pump prices continue to rise since the beginning of January 2021. The news comes from the RAC Fuel Watch, from data collected across the country, including wholesale, retail and supermarket pump prices.

The average price of unleaded is 142.9p per litre and diesel is 146.5p. These rises have not been caused by recent fuel shortages, but they won't have helped. They hit the average driver hard – the price of unleaded has increased by 28p a litre since October 2020, adding £15 to the cost of filling up a 55-litre family car,

The price of crude oil is currently $86.09 a barrel, following on from a rise last week, and is closing in on record highs of more than $120 in 2012. The upshot is that if crude oil rises to those levels, they will be reflected in even higher prices, causing more pain for drivers who are already seeing their budgets stretched.

RAC fuel spokesman Simon Williams said: 'This is truly a dark day for drivers, and one which we hoped we wouldn't see again after the high prices of April 2012. This will hurt many household budgets and no doubt have knock-on implications for the wider economy.'

He continued: 'Even though many people aren't driving quite as much as they have in the past due to the pandemic, drivers tell us they are more reliant on their cars now than they have been in years, and many simply don't have a choice but to drive. There's a risk those on lower incomes who have to drive to work will seriously struggle to find the extra money for the petrol they so badly need.'

What this means for you
The last time we had high fuel prices like this, government or market intervention saw resulted in them dropping sharply after sustained growth. However in this case, the situation is unlikely to improve soon, as the cost of crude oil is set to continue going up until at least the end of 2021.

In the UK, government-levied taxes make up 57% of the average retail price for a litre of petrol, according to the RAC, and the prospect of the government dropping fuel duty looks remote.

What this means for you is that you're going to be facing increased fuel bills in the short-to-medium term. Driving more economically will alleviate the pain somewhat, or if you're looking to change your car, look more closely at the fuel consumption figures – or even consider switching to an electric car, which are cheaper for running costs in terms of Miles Per Pound. However bare in mind those electric cars will only be adding on to the cost of your home supply?

Great Britain, United Kingdom

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