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To: Geoffrey Cox

Letter to MP Geoffrey Cox to reconsider his vote to

Below is a letter I am planning to send to the Torridge and West Devon MP Geoffrey Cox to reconsider his vote against the extension of free school meals.

Why is this important?

Dear Mr Cox,

Currently the world is facing a situation that many generations have fortunately never had to live through, this of course being the pandemic of COVID-19. Sadly, there has already been too much heart break, with the loss of loved ones, closures or business, a loss of jobs to name but a few problems that we have inherited from this horrible environment. I am sure that as a member of parliament representing our constituency that you are doing everything you can to try help members of our community as they struggle through this difficult time.

You can imagine my surprise when you voted against the extensions of free school meals to children in need up to the Easter period. I find this perplexing as in September the Prime Minster expected this period of restrictions to last up to 6 months, where I’m sure that many people will be struggling to make ends meet. Our constituency is very close and caring, where already local restaurants have reacted by providing free school meals to children during the October half term, however this should not be their responsibility to provide nourishment during this crisis.

The winter period is hard on us all, and nourishment is vital for a child to be healthy over this period, not just in terms of growing but also to fight of illnesses, something which I would have though the government would have place at a high importance given the current climate.

Although I did not vote for the current government, I am no means against them. I have nothing but respect for any member of the public who is trying their best to improve the country whilst helping people. I say this because this issue is not a liberal of conservative decisions. This is a humanitarian problem. Politics has no place in poverty, only morals and ethics. The decision to not feed a child in need has no excuse, no explanation. The action itself says it all.

I understand you have your reasons to vote against the bill which I would be interested to hear. Perhaps you could answer questions of the public in a live feed so we as a people can debate with are elected official. However, I strongly urge you to reconsider your decision and realise the damaging effect this may have on our local community.

I wish you and you family well during this difficult time and look forward to hearing a response from you.

Yours Sincerely,
Mr Hugo Blick
Devon, UK

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2020-10-23 19:33:04 +0100

25 signatures reached

2020-10-23 16:10:20 +0100

10 signatures reached