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To: UK Managing Director of Lime Bikes

Lime, add a button in the Lime app to allow users to report dangerously parked Lime e-bikes

Let us start to solve the nuisance caused by the careless parking of Lime bikes.
It’s not just the West End ward or the City of Westminster that is blighted by Lime bikes. They are dumped on street corners, at zebra crossings, and elsewhere on the streets and roads across London.

I have even seen them in Regents Park, on the Westway flyover on the A40 dual carriageway.

They are a nuisance and a danger to other users of our already crowded pavements.
Some Lime users leave them, on narrow pavements and too often park them at right angles to the direction of travel blocking the pavement entirely and forcing people into the road.
Westminster Council has had to pay staff to remove these bikes. This diverts the Council’s resources from other work such as dealing with fly tipping or preventing noise nuisance.

Lime is using our shared public spaces for their private gain.
We are asking Lime to add a button within the Lime app to allow Lime users to solve the problem by reporting badly parked Lime bikes with a photo and its location.

Why is this important?

The public highway is a shared resource that should not be appropriated by a small number of companies for their own commercial benefit and with no regard to the adverse impact on other users. .
Blind and partially sighted people are particularly vulnerable to badly parked Lime bikes.
People with prams also are disadvantaged and forced to walk in the path of vehicles.
Wheel chair and mobility scooters users are entitled to use the streets too without having to negotiate these obstacles.

A tweak to the app will allow users of the Lime App who want to behave responsibly to report the location of badly parked bikes. This will save Westminster City Council and others the time and costs incurred by having to collect and store the bikes.
Its common sense to use the Lime App to allow your customers to help reduce this problem caused by some of your users.
Also please make the penalty charge for poorly parked bikes to £10 to encourage users to do the right thing.
The money collected could be donated to a charity that helps the blind or partially sighted.

Councillor Patrick Lilley
West End Ward -City of Westminster

How it will be delivered

By email to the LIme bikes

London, UK

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2023-02-26 17:44:40 +0000

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2023-02-20 17:27:53 +0000

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