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To: UK Department for Education, UK Secretary of Education

Limit Headteachers' School Powers and Introduce Sanctions for Abusing Said Powers

Legally limit the near-infinite power headteachers and governors have over British schools and devise and implement a set of "Prime Directives" which can be applied equally.

This is to prevent future cases of abuse of power and/or academic corruption, and to ensure that staff and students are treated as fairly as possible.

Why is this important?

For far too long in the UK, headteachers have been given carte blanche regarding what rules and policies exist in the schools they run and how those rules are implemented. For far too long, the rules and policies have been implemented unfairly and unequally - one rule for the students and another for the staff. This has allowed them to act extremely unprofessionally in nearly every capacity. Many of them have also proven themselves to be master manipulators and professional gaslighters throughout the history of education in this collection of nation-states, all in the name of maintaining "discipline", promoting "equality" and teaching "British values".

The reality and simple truth of the situation is that they have too much authority and wield far too much power for a single individual to use responsibly - this is a classic case of absolute power corrupting absolutely. They can sanction pupils for the slightest of infractions, real or perceived, no matter how trivial or justifiable their behaviour may be, and yet, staff are mostly free of caution. While it is true that rules must exist to command order, too many rules or too many rules which have proven to fail to serve their intended purpose must either be revised or revoked and replaced with a more efficient alternative.

This is why I propose a series of "Prime Directives" to limit their power in the institutions in which they operate, to prevent them from turning schools and academies into their own private kingdoms and to encourage a fair and just mentality, one built on mutual respect and tolerance instead of fear and repression. Their hypocrisy and hubris must be exposed and vanquished.

The proposed Prime Directives are as follows, with their suggested sanctions below (all sanctions must include an apology by the head).

1. No deliberate discrimination based on appearance or cultural background (this would effectively render uniforms obsolete for the long-term better) - nationalism ("British values" - really, covert racism) is not an excuse.

Sanction: A caution followed by a fine and/or arrest for repeat offenders.

2. Any sanction imposed on a student and/or staff member must be reasonably proportionate to the original offence unless the offence is justifiable on a reasonable level and does not interfere with their progress and/or studies.

Sanction: A complaint may be filed by the student and/or staff member and appropriate action can then be taken by the powers that be - in extreme cases, the plaintiff has the option to involve the police.

3. Staff and students must receive fair and equal levels of respect and treatment - one rule for all.

Sanction: See Directive 2.

4. Threats of and/or executions of violence, harassment and/or reporting a student and/or staff to their parents or peers to coerce them into cooperating must be classified as a criminal offence.

Sanction: See Directive 1.

5. Holidays - term time or no term time - MUST count as authorised absences as long as they are notified in advance.

Sanction: See Directive 2.

6. Failure to listen to both sides of an argument and deliver impartial justice (in other words, taking a side without knowing the full story) is unacceptable.

Sanction: See Directive 2 - if the damage caused by the head's punishment is severe enough to the defendant's wellbeing, then the Sanction for Directive 1 will be invoked by default.

If these Prime Directives can be devised and implemented, then this could be the beginning of a new era for Britain - the main advantages of these directives is that they can be implemented internationally and that they do technically constitute offences. Children and young people MUST be seen, heard, understood and respected - the Victorian era is over and it is time the UK joins the Continent in the 21st Century.



2019-08-01 17:12:50 +0100

This is code named "Operation Hydra" and is supported by my human rights group "Lumières Sans Frontières'. Hashtags #LSF #OperationHydra