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To: Lancashire council, Highways and MP; Andrew Stephenson.

M65 Colne to Burnley

Improve the driving conditions on the M65 to reduce flooding and improve visibility. Significant action needs to be taken to aliviate the risk of flooding. Lighting is imperative especially at the junctions and could be achieved by installing solar/renewable lighting.

Why is this important?

The M65 is extremely dangerous from Colne to Burnley. It floods in several places because the drains cannot cope with the amount of surface water trapped by the concrete barriers. There are no lights resulting in difficult driving conditions at night; especially in winter, culminating in many accidents every week. This situation is only going to cost lives. It is time action was taken to improve the M65 and stop using 'money' and the reduction in 'carbon footprint' as an excuse. Lives are far more important.


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