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To: UK Government

Make clear UK knife law

It needs to be made clear there are way to many grey areas in the law, there are no defining factors.

The only information the Government gives is.

Under 3 inch non locking
For travel to work
To a museum
Religious Reasons

Then the amazing quote of a good reason that would be decided in court which in turn leaves that reason open to one judges standing on what's reasonable. This is why we have laws so there are no defining differences.

My argument with this is a blade can be brought from any shop and if asked informing the police it's coming home with me or for instance your moving house and your transporting your knives with you there is nothing that covers you legally.

Parliament call it an offence weapon in a public place but my argument to that is a steak knife in a public house is an offensive weapon in a public place.

Children are running around stabbing people with kitchen knives from a draw which cant be stopped with the laws we have, the law needs to be looked at surrounding the cause of this and a no question one law with no ''grey area'' does not exist.

Why is this important?

It's important because so many people are being penalised for following the law but parliament and the police are on completely different pages and giving justified good people the correct information on knife law. So everyone knows where they stand and this is not open to debate. A universal UK no quibble knife law would protect people and defer the people who use these knives in vicious attacks with no question as to what they have done and what the punishment would be.

England, UK

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