To: Suffolk County Council

Make Cycling in Sudbury, Suffolk Safe for Everybody : )

We want Suffolk County Council, Babergh District and Sudbury Town Council to develop safe cycle routes and paths so that all residents, young, old and particularly woman can access Sudbury by bicycle SAFELY away from the one way system which is not only extremely dangerous but also a reckless bit of town stewardship. Sudbury is a campus sized Market Town and should be an everyday cyclists dream.

Why is this important?

Getting around Sudbury by bicycle is ill thought out and dangerous and dare we say it a local leadership embarrassment AND NOW IS THE TIME TO FIX IT. While councillor consensus seems obsessed with appeasing motorists by keeping free parking (for votes) little if any urban planning consideration is given to how to get around Sudbury by bike. It is particularly dangerous around the one way system where if it isn't traffic volume then callous driver ignorance FRIGHTENS people away from getting around town by bike - which means more cars on roads. By signing this petition you will give Councillors the confidence to think outside the metal box with 4 wheels. This campaign is now topical due to Westminster's Covid 19 £2bn boost for Cycle Lanes. Just £50-£100k could transform cycling in Sudbury town centre through the creation of safe routes. LET'S DO IT !!

Sudbury CO10, UK

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