50,000 signatures reached
To: Andrea Leadsom MP - Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
Make flexible working work for us

Make flexible contracts work for workers, not just employers:
- introduce a right to reasonable notice of working hours
- provide workers with compensation for shifts cancelled without reasonable notice
- introduce a right to reasonable notice of working hours
- provide workers with compensation for shifts cancelled without reasonable notice
Why is this important?
Employers up and down the country are abusing current flexible working arrangements to make life impossible for hard-working people.
Over 1.7 million people across the country are very anxious about their hours changing unexpectedly and without enough warning. Shifts are often cancelled at the last-minute leaving families short of cash for things like food or bills. And with hours changing week to week it can be impossible to budget and plan ahead. Right now flexibly working just isn't working.
It's time the government stepped up and helped protect workers by ensuring flexible working practices work for workers, not just employers.
Over 1.7 million people across the country are very anxious about their hours changing unexpectedly and without enough warning. Shifts are often cancelled at the last-minute leaving families short of cash for things like food or bills. And with hours changing week to week it can be impossible to budget and plan ahead. Right now flexibly working just isn't working.
It's time the government stepped up and helped protect workers by ensuring flexible working practices work for workers, not just employers.