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To: The NHS

Make Low Dose Naltroxene available to MS Patients

I am asking that Primary Health Care Trusts in the UK look again at the amazing results which have been endorsed by so many MS sufferers who take Low Dose Naltroxene. It should be available on prescription to MS sufferers.

Why is this important?

At the moment LDN is not widely available on the NHS to MS sufferers in the UK but in other parts of the World,like the USA it has been available for years.

Lots of MS sufferers who've had to buy it on private prescription say that it has rid them of symptoms which even high dose toxic drugs did not. It has also been for use in many other conditions,
but it seems that this is not widely known to most sufferers.

At the moment most Doctors do not prescribe it or know of it's uses for other conditions and sufferers have to buy it privately. It is a cheaper Drug to buy than most other MS Drugs I've heard but yet it's not viable for Drug Companies to endorse it at such low doses (profit wise) and therefore tests have not been untaken on a large scale to make NICE approve of its use for this purpose


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2014-05-21 12:14:02 +0100

100 signatures reached

2014-04-29 16:54:48 +0100

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2014-04-27 08:54:50 +0100

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2014-04-26 15:02:02 +0100

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