To: Hampshire County Council

Make Music Tuition Free in Hampshire

Make all music lessons (instrumental lessons) in schools free of charge for students studying in Hampshire.

Why is this important?

Music is what separates us from savages, and everyone should have the right to learn an instrument- regardless of how wealthy they are. Furthermore, every hour, creative industries contribute nearly 11 Million Pounds to the UK economy.
Making music tuition in schools free-of-charge would mean that more people could have the opportunity to go into a multi-million pound industry, as well as gain a sense of belonging and have the opportunity to express themselves, which they might not have got before.

How it will be delivered

We aim to collect signatures from every school in Hampshire on this site. After this, I will email the results to the council.
I will also attempt to arrange a meeting with the council in person, bringing along anyone who wishes to attend, keep an eye on this page for updates on this.
With enough support from young people, I'm sure the council will feel inclined to consider the changes...
Image credit: Bender School of Music


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