To: The U.K. Parliament

Make politics a compulsory part of the National curriculum in secondary schools.

To ensure that politics is made a compulsory lesson for all students in secondary education in the UK.

Why is this important?

Considering that only 72% of the U.K. Population voted in the recent EU referendum and that many voters seemed to have not realised what they may have been voting for it is now time to offer pupils at secondary schools an education in politics. This subject is vitally important to not only empower people to exercise their right to vote but to also encourage younger people to engage in a democratic process that affects their lives in so many ways. A career in politics seems to be exclusive to those who have received a university education and this will further exclude those from less privileged backgrounds.
If we do not teach the next generation about the value of politics then we are faced with a narrow minority of our population affecting the day to day lives of the inhabitants of this country furthering the political divide we already have. Vote for politics in all schools!

United Kingdom

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