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To: Stephen Barclay, Mark Harper, Wes Streeting, Louise Haigh

Make public transport accessible to the clinically vulnerable

Clinically vulnerable people are unable to safely access public transport, as they risk serious and potentially fatal outcomes from infections. Public transport can be crowded and have poor air quality. With COVID-19 still rampant and unmitigated, clinically vulnerable people are excluded from using public transport due to exposure risks.

This disability discrimination could be addressed by requiring passengers and staff to wear masks while on public transport, unless medically exempt.

Many clinically vulnerable people have other disabilities and health conditions which require healthcare and may prevent them from driving. The low rate of pay for recipients of disability benefits may also make car ownership unaffordable.

By allowing public transport to be unsafe for them, you are failing to provide equitable access for all, and denying the clinically vulnerable a lifeline to the outside world.

Furthermore, staff sickness and sickness among passengers could be greatly reduced by introducing this simple measure. Seemingly "healthy" people can become clinically vulnerable through a single COVID-19 infection or be left with other long-term health issues.

Transport companies should provide staff and passengers with quality masks of FFP2 standard or higher, as a major step in improving public health and disability access.

Why is this important?

Accessibility should be for all.

Making spaces safe for clinically vulnerable people is an accessibility issue that we need to address moving forward.
United Kingdom

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