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To: the government

Make re-usable sanitary products available to women for free

I'd like to open the question about a government funded scheme whereby women can obtain re-useable sanitary products, free of charge.. Re-Useable sanitary products are available in the form of silicone cups, from companies such as; organicup, moon cup, enna cycle and flaverta (and many more).There is also reusable sanitary cloths. Perhaps a redeemable voucher service of sorts would be a good way of doing it, in order to promote choice over which products women would like to use and also to prevent one company having the monopoly.

Why is this important?

I often think about how much waste sanitary products must create throughout the world...Imagine how much single use plastic and other waste is created every day from sanitary products worldwide. Over my years many women have expressed to me their anger at having to pay for sanitary products each month when menstruation isn't something they can control.. Throughout their lifetime I'm sure they would have spent a considerable amount of money on such products. I have been using a reusable product for years now and it certainly makes me feel more positive about the whole experience each month. I'd like to combine my feeling about both of these concerns and open the question about a government funded scheme whereby reuseable sanitary products are available free of charge.. Reuseable sanitary products are available in the form of silicone cups available form companies such as; organicup, moon cup, enna cycle and flaverta (and many more). There is also reusable sanitary cloths.. I think it would encourage women to engage more with their monthly cycle/body but also with the rising concern for waste management. Both products last for years and can simply be washed rather than having to be incinerated, dumped in landfill or accidentally find its way into the ocean/water works.

Throughout the UK

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2019-02-23 18:53:02 +0000

10 signatures reached