100 signatures reached
To: Mayor John Biggs
Make recycling easier in Tower Hamlets

We, the residents of Tower Hamlets, ask the Mayor of Tower Hamlets John Biggs to supply community centers and other shared facilities with recycling bags for easy access.
Why is this important?
For many years community groups such as Teviot Action Group (TAG) and other organizations supplied residents with recycling bags which were delivered in bulk to offices and centers. Residents knew they could always pop in and collect some whenever they were walking past.
This system worked very well in all areas. As a result residents kept neighborhoods clean and tidy and recycled efficiently.
The recent change in the system means that residents can only collect recycling bags from Idea Stores on certain days. For those with busy careers, working families, the disabled and the elderly this is just not possible, and will be a bigger issue for all in the winter.
As a result our rubbish bins are overflowing and present a health hazard, a fire risk, and make our communities look unsightly.
We ask for a common-sense approach to be taken by the Council because the new system is just not working. Any costs saved are swallowed up by the extra work needed to clean our streets. Recycling has reduced since the change.
Our communities want to keep the borough clean but we cannot do this with an unworkable system of recycling bags distribution.
This system worked very well in all areas. As a result residents kept neighborhoods clean and tidy and recycled efficiently.
The recent change in the system means that residents can only collect recycling bags from Idea Stores on certain days. For those with busy careers, working families, the disabled and the elderly this is just not possible, and will be a bigger issue for all in the winter.
As a result our rubbish bins are overflowing and present a health hazard, a fire risk, and make our communities look unsightly.
We ask for a common-sense approach to be taken by the Council because the new system is just not working. Any costs saved are swallowed up by the extra work needed to clean our streets. Recycling has reduced since the change.
Our communities want to keep the borough clean but we cannot do this with an unworkable system of recycling bags distribution.