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To: Manchester City Council

Manchester - Build a Green, Community Space, not a CAR PARK

We the undersigned petition Manchester City Council to transform the old Central Retail Park into a 10 acre Green, Community space, not a 440 space car park.

Why is this important?

Manchester City Council is planning to turn the old Central Retail Park on Great Ancoats Street into a 440 space car park. This planning permission was controversially granted on 17th October. We have kept this petition open as we are now appealing that decision.

If the car park is built, there will be around 1000 cars moving in and out onto already busy Great Ancoats Street. This will increase pollution in a city with appalling childhood asthma rates and one which consistently ranks amongst cities with the worst air quality in Europe. The site is also right next to a primary school.

Manchester City Council has declared a climate emergency, and has committed to reducing carbon emissions. Building a huge car park that will increase pollution is in direct contradiction to this.

Please keep signing the petition, show the council its decisions are against what the local people want. Let us all call on Manchester City Council to turn this area into a much needed green community space for families, residents and visitors.

How it will be delivered

We have delivered the petition. We have now moved on to the appeal.


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2019-08-16 20:16:08 +0100

Join us tomorrow at the site at 1pm!

2019-08-16 20:15:55 +0100

The planning application will NOT be going to the August committee meeting. We have another month to gather signatures and convince the council!

2019-08-13 15:41:13 +0100

‘We are very disappointed about the council’s plans to put a 440 space temporary car park on the plot of land adjacent to New Islington Free School. The school governing body has registered its objection to the planning application. Increased traffic flow and pollution are a real concern and the decision to prioritise revenue over reducing carbon emissions sends the wrong message to our pupils.’
Ralph Cunnington
Governor and Director of New Islington Free School

2019-08-11 22:19:22 +0100

5,000 signatures reached

2019-08-11 10:40:27 +0100

We made the MEN. Excellent and well balanced article with interviews from all the local groups, Councillors and Sir Richard Leese:

2019-08-06 23:03:21 +0100

We have a poster you can download, print and share in your workplace or apartments (as long as you have permission to do so). Help spread the word to local people!

2019-08-06 22:44:16 +0100

We're getting a few people together to let local people know about the carpark by handing out some leaflets in the area. Join us this THURSDAY

2019-08-05 13:45:08 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2019-08-04 13:19:01 +0100

You can get involved by objecting to the planning application, contacting your local councillor (or all of them) or by joining us at the site on 17th August

Find out more:

2019-08-04 09:37:50 +0100

500 signatures reached

2019-08-03 20:19:14 +0100

We now have a website for more information!

2019-08-02 21:00:56 +0100

100 signatures reached

2019-08-02 16:45:26 +0100

A suggestion is to do what they do in lots of American cities and build a parking garage under a park. There are carparks under Boston common. Come on MCC, give us something useful and beautiful.

2019-08-02 16:33:03 +0100

50 signatures reached

2019-08-02 14:39:27 +0100

25 signatures reached