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To: The Not Forgotten organisation

May Day to be dedicated to our Veterans

I am extremely grateful to 38 Degrees for giving me the chance to start a petition for our fantastic Veterans.

For seven years I have been trying to obtain backing for a Special day for them. May Day is already a Bank Holiday and would be perfect for this. It should be dedicated to Veterans of all Wars, especially the Second World War by having it thereafter known as ‘Veterans Dedication Day.’ In the USA they hold Veterans’ Day on the 11 November. It is a holiday when all families get-together to pay tribute to them. Any Veteran can go into a Restaurant and be given a free meal. What a wonderful gesture. If they can do this – why can’t we in the United Kingdom?

We owe them everything and with the recent passing of the wonderful Sir Tom Moore it is even more relevant. 38 Degree members please support me in this and encourage the Prime Minister to listen and take action.

Why is this important?

Because we owe the wonderful Men and Women of the Second World War everything.



2021-03-08 10:34:41 +0000

Appreciation of our Wonderful Men and Woman of all wars.