• Keep Ukrainian families together
    This cruel decision, that was implemented with no warning, will leave families in limbo with no other option of being reunited with their family in the UK. With Russia’s war on Ukraine about to reach its two year mark, Ukranians need a continued safe passage to join family members who have already taken sanctuary here in the UK. Family reunification is a human right. Families who were in the middle of gathering the necessary information to apply are now left in limbo with no other options to be reunited. But if hundreds and thousands of us show that we won’t stand for families being torn apart, we can force the Home Office to reverse the decision.
    40,425 of 45,000 Signatures
  • We’re Standing Together for Humanity
    There has been a shocking spike in antisemitism and anti-Muslim hate in the UK since the escalation of conflict in Israel and Palestine following the October 7th attacks. From 7th October to 22nd November, CST have recorded 1563 antisemitic incidents across the UK – the highest total recorded within the same period since it began recording data in 1984. During the period from 7th October to 19th November, Tell MAMA recorded 895 anti-Muslim cases, a six-fold increase in cases from the same period in 2022. Many people are feeling hopeless and powerless, and desperately want a space to mourn collectively, and stand united against hate. The vast majority of people mourn the loss of all civilians in Israel and Palestine, and stand united against antisemitism and anti-Muslim hate. Add your name today and stand with us. Next steps We’re building a movement to bring communities together and show that whatever our disagreements over Israel and Palestine we can live together peacefully, stand united against hate, and collectively mourn all those we have lost. We recently held a small vigil in London, with hundreds of people gathering at short notice for a moment of reflection and togetherness. Now, we’re inviting people from all corners of the country to join us opposite Downing Street this Sunday 3rd December at 3pm for a mass vigil, with faith leaders, bereaved families from different backgrounds, and other speakers. Standing together, we’ll light thousands of lanterns and hold a symbolic moment of silence. No flags, no slogans, just people coming together. You can find out more at togetherforhumanity.co.uk.
    19,477 of 20,000 Signatures
  • End violence and protect civilians in Palestine and Israel
    A crisis has broken out in Palestine and Israel. More than 1400 Israeli people and more than 3000 Palestinian people have been killed by terrorist attacks by Hamas and by devastating airstrikes carried out by Israel in response. It can be hard to imagine what it’s like for the innocent children caught up in this conflict, and their parents and guardians struggling to keep them safe. That’s why we're adding our voices to calls for UK political leaders to call out attacks on civilians, demand an immediate ceasefire, ensure life-saving aid is increased and provided safely, and that civilians have their rights respected and are kept safe. The news right now can be overwhelming and it’s easy to feel powerless - but at the heart of this are innocent people like us who need help. On our own, it can feel like there’s nothing we can do to stop the violence, but if we join our voices together we can petition all political leaders in the UK to do more to protect innocent people caught up in this devastating conflict.
    29,720 of 30,000 Signatures
    Created by Campaigns by you
  • No US nuclear weapons on UK soil
    The US Government wants to put their nuclear weapons back on British soil for the first time in 15 years. The plans "strongly imply" the intention to base nuclear arms at Lakenheath in Suffolk, which last hosted them in 2008. The plans have already angered campaigners with many claiming such a move would be irresponsible and put the UK at risk. The good news is, right now the idea is still in the planning phase and nothing is set in stone. But we need to make sure the UK Government listens to us, the British public's view on the matter. Sign the petition if you agree that the public should be consulted on whether the UK should host America's nuclear weapons?
    25,406 of 30,000 Signatures
  • Regulate the display of flags in Northern Ireland
    Every summer, flags go up on lampposts across Northern Ireland. They hang around for months becoming an eyesore, and many glorify illegal paramilitary groups. This year we've seen an increase in flags in shared areas like the Westlink motorway, at supermarkets and outside the PSNI training centre at Garnerville. No one takes responsibility to take them down. The flying of flags needs to be clearly legislated for so the issue can be tackled once and for all.
    504 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Nicola Browne
  • UK Universities - End your Partnerships with the Global Arms Trade and Instead Champion Peace!
    The military industrial complex – the relationship between a country’s military and the defence industry – is not often the first thing that comes to mind when we think about UK universities. But as climate change and global conflict escalate, it has never been more important that our education systems are used to advance peace. But UK universities continue to invest in and partner with the companies who profit from and contribute to this instability. The dED database has uncovered £1,894,402,045.40 of university investments in military partnerships - and we’ve barely scratched the surface yet!  That’s over a BILLION POUNDS in university funding, rooted in an industry which will not help us tackle modern-day security threats. The arms industry cannot help to resolve the security threats arising from climate change, poverty, and global instability. Veterans for Peace have said this plainly: “War cannot solve the problems we face in the 21st century”. We cannot fight climate change with fighter jets, and cannot solve health crises with combat drones. As Einstein once said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”. The military sector and arms industry make their profits from resource exploitation, conflict and the building-up of weapons reserves: the exact things generating instability. To create a more peaceful world, our universities should support and develop security innovations to help us face modern-day security challenges – rather than investing in ones that negatively contribute to the threats we face.  Universities hold undeniable power to shape society. By signing this petition you will help to make sure that this power is used in favour of peace and not war.  Add a direct message to the Chancellor of your University in the comment box available, using your university email address if possible. Organisational endorsements: Bury & Salford Peace Group Centre for Peacebuilding Organisations For Our Great-Great-Grandchildren ForcesWatch Glasgow University Arms Divestment Coalition International Peace Bureau London Campaign Against Arms Trade Manchester & Warrington AM Quaker Peace Group Musicians for Peace and Disarmament Rethinking Security Rochdale and Littleborough Peace Group Scientists for Global Responsibility Shadow World Investigations Stockport for Peace Stop Fuelling War The Vivienne Foundation University of Bristol Students Union WILPF UK Sign on behalf of an organisation here: https://forms.gle/NLscs5TDJNi1KrjNA Please also consider supporting our crucial work by donating or purchasing from our online merchandise store:  > Donate - https://ded1.co/donate > Buy dED Merch - https://ded1.teemill.com/
    3,848 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Demilitarise Education, World BEYOND War Picture
  • Ban Russia from Swift Banking
    Ukraine gave up all their nuclear weapons in exchange for guarantees by Russia, the US and the UK to respect its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Given Russia's actions it is now up to the UK, and the US to protect them - with the help of all the world's leaders. Putin has shown that the sanctions enforced up to now lack bite. This is more likely to help the Ukrainian people.
    695 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Katherine Brownlee
  • Bristol City Council : Support the nuclear ban treaty
    Resolutions supporting the TPNW are being passed at all levels of local government; from town councils, such as Hebden Royd (West Yorkshire); through unitary authorities, such as East Ayrshire; to city councils, such as Manchester and Edinburgh. Internationally, resolutions have been passed by hundreds of towns and cities including Paris, Berlin and Washington D.C. We are deeply concerned about the grave threat that nuclear weapons pose to communities throughout the world. We firmly believe that our residents have the right to live in a world free from this threat. Any use of nuclear weapons, whether deliberate or accidental, would have catastrophic, far-reaching and long-lasting consequences for people and the environment. Therefore, we support the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and call on Bristol City Council to pass a resolution supporting it.
    207 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Hannah Tweddell
  • Nuclear Treaty Ban
    The Ursuline Sisters UK have created this campaign to urge the UK Government to rethink their stance on nuclear weapons and sign the treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. The treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons was adopted on 7 July 2017 and has been ratified by its 50th State Party therefore it entered into force on 22 January 2021. However, none of the nine nuclear weapon states have signed or ratified the treaty, including the UK. The UK signed the Chemical Weapons Convention in January 1993 and ratified the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention in March 1975, so why not sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons? Pope Francis himself has signed the treaty on behalf of the Vatican State. The Catholic Bishops of English and Wales have petitioned Parliament to sign. Most Christian and interfaith leaders in England have also given strong backing to the treaty. Ever since the city of Hiroshama was obliterated by a single bomb in 1945, our world conscience has been ill at ease. Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians died and countless more had their lives blighted by the horror, by sickness and by loss. Those engaged in nuclear weapon manufacture, development and training are also exposed to long term ill health including cancer and genetic damage. A modern day nuclear war is unthinkable. Casualties from a major nuclear war between two of the nuclear powerhouse countries would reach hundreds of millions of people. The simple reality is that the international community could never hope to deal with the impact of nuclear weapon use. Less than 1% of the world’s nuclear weapons could disrupt the global climate and threaten as many as two billion people with starvation in a nuclear famine. Having nuclear weapons as a sabre rattling is very costly and it is becoming less and less possible to justify the huge costs involved in maintaining and developing them. In March 2007 alone, the UK Parliament voted to renew the country's Trident nuclear submarine system at a cost of £20bn. In March 2021, the British government reaffirmed their commitment to upgrading and maintaining Trident as a continuous at-sea deterrent. Billions of pounds are being mis-spent annually, money that could be reinvested to alleviate the suffering of the poorest and most vulnerable of our society. We urge the UK Government to rethink their stance on nuclear weapons and sign the treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
    372 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Una McCreesh
  • Stop the Liverpool electronic arms fair
    We, the undersigned, call on Liverpool City Council to take all actions available to it to press the ACC Liverpool to cancel the AOC Europe, an arms fair, to take place in a council-owned venue, effectively owned by the people of Liverpool. From 11-13th October 2021, international arms companies are due to meet up with delegations from a range of repressive states at the AOC Europe 2021, at the Exhibition Centre Liverpool. The event is an exact replica of the Electronic Warfare Europe, which was cancelled last year after pressure from a large coalition of Liverpool civil society groups. In response to their pressure, the then Mayor of Liverpool, Joe Anderson committed to develop “an ethical charter for LCC and the ACC” in order to “set restrictions on what events we can and should have.” It is therefore deeply concerning to see an arms fair attempt to return to the city, in a venue owned by Liverpool City Council. Arms merchants, including Elbit Systems and Leonardo, whose weapons are used by repressive states are due to attend the fair. The City Council must take action to press ACC Liverpool to cancel the AOC Europe and ensure that no further arms fair is allowed in a City Council owned building in future. We are also outraged to know that the Merseyside Pension Fund, holding local government workers pensions, invests heavily in arms companies including firms mentioned on the AOC publicity for the Liverpool arms fair. We call for sustained efforts to divest MPF holdings from the arms industry.
    6,503 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Dan Fieldsend
  • Liverpool against the Electronic Warfare Arms Fair
    On 16-18 November 2020 international arms companies are due to meet up with military delegations from around the globe to show off the latest electronic warfare technology at the Exhibition Centre Liverpool. This technology is sold at great profit to countries in conflict, authoritarian regimes and countries carrying out serious and well documented human rights offences. This event should not be held in Liverpool, especially in a building that is effectively owned by the people of this city. It should be cancelled immediately and a firm commitment made never to hold any such event in the city's publicly owned buildings ever again. The Exhibition Centre is 100% owned by Liverpool City Council. It is managed for the city by The ACC Liverpool Group. The City Mayor and Deputy Mayor are on the board of the ACC Liverpool Group. The ACC Liverpool Group describes itself as an ethical and responsible company and has previously cancelled two events under pressure from the City Council.
    2,327 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Martin Dobson
  • Don’t follow Trump into another gulf war
    Tensions are rising between Trump, Saudi Arabia and Iran. Some have said the three nations are on the brink of serious attacks and possibly war. Right now, Boris Johnson is considering deploying British troops to support the Saudi Arabian government - a regime that is partly responsible for one of the worst famines in human history and has horrific record of serious human rights abuses. The current plans for conflict are being spearheaded by President Trump, a hot-headed leader with a reputation for making rash decisions. And the UK PM has said he’s waiting on a call from President Trump or the Saudis asking him to provide military support in the coming weeks. The last time this happened, when Blair supported Bush’s war in the Middle East, British troops ended up being deployed for 13 years, and the conflict in Afghanistan is still ongoing. It’s time to show Boris Johnson that the UK public don’t want to get into bed with Trump and Saudia Arabia and enter another war.
    94,903 of 100,000 Signatures