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To: Eastleigh Borough Council

Maypole Roundabout Crossing

Install a zebra crossing at the end of Broad Oak, outside the Texaco petrol station

Why is this important?

The Coop convenience store at the Texaco petrol station is open 24 hours a day and is extremely busy. Therefore, large numbers of people need to cross the roads to access this store. Since the expansion of the Maypole roundabout and the large amounts of housing development taking place in the area, traffic volume has increased enormously.
Attempting to cross the roads here is now extremely dangerous, sometimes requiring a wait of 10 minutes for a sufficient break in traffic to allow safe passage for pedestrians. Pedestrians from the Hedge End side may need to negotiate Lower Northam Road, then Grange Road and Woodhouse Lane. Pedestrians from Kings Copse area are most likely to cross at Broad Oak and may need to cross Kings Copse Avenue first. All five roads have two lanes of traffic entering the Maypole roundabout. The vast majority of drivers approach the roundabout at too high a speed and are either oblivious to people waiting to cross or don't care enough to slow down and allow safe passage. Installation of a simple zebra crossing at Broad Oak could be achieved with minimal cost and disruption and would provide a vital safe crossing point for pedestrians.
An additional benefit would be created for motorists by enabling easier exit from the petrol station, as traffic on Broad Oak would be forced to slow down and stop for pedestrians.


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2019-09-26 23:56:39 +0100

25 signatures reached

2019-09-26 20:50:10 +0100

10 signatures reached