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To: Medway Councillours Alan Jarrett and Howard Doe

Medway Councils Unequal Housing Rules

We want Medway Council to change the rules and give under 25's the same:
-Housing options as over 25 year olds.
-Housing benefit as a person over 25

And we would like Medway Council to:
-Encourage landlords or people renting out a spare room to accept Housing Benefit and Homebonds.
- Build or buy more houses or flats for rooms to rent.

Why is this important?

The number of 18-25 year olds who are homeless is ever increasing and looking for a roof over their head is made difficult by barriers put there by Medway Council. This is completely unacceptable and we call for change regarding this is issue, especially in the winter months.


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2015-02-04 19:50:05 +0000

50 signatures reached

2015-02-03 15:02:29 +0000

You can keep checking for updates on the campaign at also you can follow me on Twitter @benrist .

I am seriously concerned that people seem surprised by this and that the council don't seem to have been challenged before regarding this issue. The cuts have forced so many restrictions on the livelihoods of those under 25 as this is the age group that is statistically less-likely to vote. We need to get rid of the self-serving politicians in May and elect the politicians that actually care about the lives of the people they are serving.

Medway Councils slogan is "Serving You". Time and time again, we see that they're not. Not the elected representatives who are in power.

The oposition party is trying it's hardest but is limited with recources and people power. We need a whole NEW council in May.

Thanks everyone for your support,

2015-02-03 10:39:40 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-02-02 20:21:13 +0000

10 signatures reached