To: The government

Military pentions

Consider allowing ex servicemen access to their pentions at the age of 55.

Why is this important?

When joining the military at a young age you give up the best years of your life, the physical effect on the body causes you much pain and discomfort in later life. I personally believe that due to the stress put on my body during my 14 years service , has caused me to suffer from much joint pain. During my time as a serving soldier I was expected to run march and walk fully kitted carrying excessive weight, this has obviously caused lots of stress to the joints over a 14 year period. In fact at my time of joining the army in 1979 we were issued with what can only be described as plastic and rubber boots, some 13 years later the MOD decided that these boots were no longer fit for service as they were causing injury. I feel very strongly that we as ex servicemen deserve access to our pentions at the age of 55 like the rest of the public, we have after all done our bit for Queen and country dont we deserve to be treated as equals.I have already undergone surgery on my shoulders, I currently suffer with pain in both knees ankles and wrists. Any ex servicemen reading this will know only to well what the body goes through during your time serving your country, please support this so others can hopefully get what some form of comfort in later life.


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