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To: Doncaster Council

More Policing in Mexborough

Please increase the policing in Mexborough.

Why is this important?

There is an increase of crimes carried out by youths in Mexborough. They are vandalising cars, terrorising local residents, banging on windows and being abusive.

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL



2017-11-02 08:33:24 +0000

100 signatures reached

2017-11-02 07:31:57 +0000

Wow! We have 74 signatures overnight! Just shows the magnitude of this problem! Well done everyone I hope we can make a real difference. Keep sharing x

2017-11-02 05:56:50 +0000

50 signatures reached

2017-11-01 23:47:18 +0000

25 signatures reached

2017-11-01 23:13:33 +0000

10 signatures reached