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To: The Rt Hon Michelle Donelan MP
MP's, Voting Records, and their use of social media

Most if not all MPs now use social media platforms such as Facebook to promote their agendas and create a very positive set of posts to their followers. They are also sometimes used to post negative comments about opposition parties. Social media platforms have become a useful propaganda tool for MP's used to present the image of themselves that they want you to see.
MPs vote regularly on a lot of issues, but it isn't easy to find out how they voted. One could argue that the work they do in Westminster voting lobbies is the most important part of their job, yet it happens behind the scenes and actions can be far removed from the positive social media posts, typically about opening an event or meeting a local dignitary. You can find this information, but you have to dig about, and the majority of voters wouldn't think of doing so.
I would like to see it made a requirement for all MPs to post about how they voted on every issue on their social media platforms, with an explanation if they feel it necessary to do so. Not only would their true behaviour be evident to their constituents, it may also make them vote more often in ways that benefit their area, rather than following party lines.
MPs vote regularly on a lot of issues, but it isn't easy to find out how they voted. One could argue that the work they do in Westminster voting lobbies is the most important part of their job, yet it happens behind the scenes and actions can be far removed from the positive social media posts, typically about opening an event or meeting a local dignitary. You can find this information, but you have to dig about, and the majority of voters wouldn't think of doing so.
I would like to see it made a requirement for all MPs to post about how they voted on every issue on their social media platforms, with an explanation if they feel it necessary to do so. Not only would their true behaviour be evident to their constituents, it may also make them vote more often in ways that benefit their area, rather than following party lines.
Why is this important?
This is about improving your political representative's honesty, and strengthening representation for you in your area. One MP I know of represents a seaside constituency and regularly posts photos of themselves eating an Ice cream, having fish and chips, and walking on the beach, with comments about how much they love the area. The coast and tourism is vital to the constituency they represent however it is regularly dogged by sewage discharges after heavy rain that make the sea contaminated and unsafe for recreational use. In 2021 the same MP was given an opportunity to vote to reduce sewage discharges to the sea, however they voted against an opposition amendment to the Environment Bill to do so, even though other MP's rebelled on the issue and voted for the amendment. None of their social media following would have any idea that this is what happened. This is just one example to illustrate the issue, and I'm sure this will happen up and down the country.