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To: Aberdeen City Council, Scottish Government

What happens to our RC Primary schools and need for a Secondary Catholic School in Aberdeen, UK

Aberdeen City Council is conducting a feasibility study to either close down the Catholic Primary Schools (St.Peter RC, St.Joseph RC and Holy Family RC primary) or continue letting it be a denominational school in Aberdeen. 

It is also addressing the possibility of having a Secondary Catholic School. 

We need at least 500 signatures to show there is enough support for denominational primary and secondary schools in Aberdeen

*Kindly fill this form and save the future of Catholic schools in Aberdeen*

Please say yes to *Secondary Catholic School* by signing here to show your support.

Why is this important?

We need Aberdeen City Council to help it's many denominational communities including Christians, Catholics, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and other faith based communities who send their kids to Catholic Schools. It affects a lot of locals who historically sent their kids to these schools, as well as ethnic minorities of Aberdeen. 

We need a secondary school to continue helping the kids who studies in RC primaries to continue friendships and their school values.
Aberdeen, UK

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2024-10-01 16:58:03 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2024-09-23 20:36:47 +0100

We need atleast 1000 signatures or more!

A Catholic Secondary Academy will be the first of its kind in both Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire! Times have changed, and the need for it has never been greater!

Please share this message widely to help secure denominational Catholic secondary academies for our current RC Primary School students, as well as those in council-run secondary schools who currently have no other option!

Another important issue is the long travel times many children face to access Catholic education at the primary level. This highlights the need for more Catholic primary schools in Aberdeen as well.

With nearly 19,000 Catholics and an even larger number from other faith backgrounds choosing Catholic primary schools, this isn’t just about faith - it’s about the ethos and values that parents want for their children!

2024-09-17 19:45:20 +0100

BBC Scotland News -

2024-09-17 17:21:10 +0100

The decision has been put to the council!
The SNP councillors will determine the future of the proposed Catholic Secondary School for Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire.

It’s notable that the North-East of Scotland lacks a Catholic Secondary School, with only three Catholic primary schools located within Aberdeen City.

We need more people to sign the petition, and it’s crucial to encourage greater youth involvement as well.

2024-09-17 12:54:17 +0100

After my deputation, I was moved to the public gallery because I wasn’t aware I couldn’t stay for the rest of the meeting (this being my first time). I’m now waiting to see if the education committee will vote in favor of the Secondary Catholic School in Aberdeen. I emphasised that, given the recent race riots across the UK, it’s crucial for Aberdeen to demonstrate solidarity with its minority and religious communities by supporting this much-needed Catholic secondary school, which would serve all of Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire’s minority and religious populations.

2024-09-17 10:02:11 +0100

This is the live feed of the fate of our “Catholic Schools”

I will be speaking for the need for a Secondary Catholic School in Aberdeen.

2024-08-10 20:51:35 +0100

Please keep signing, because we haven’t given up yet!

2024-08-10 20:47:12 +0100

Please find the rejection of our petition here.

I am sorry to update that our petition was rejected by Aberdeen City Council for the need for a secondary school.

Also, they said that our petition is rejected for saving the primary schools and they will update us of the outcome in September.

The letter from Aberdeen City Council can be viewed here for your perusal. Kindly get in touch with me if you can help us at [email protected]

2024-06-08 23:03:48 +0100

We had our collective gathering today. We are so very grateful to all those who have supported us in this journey and continue to share this petition. 60 of us women and children came together today and we are absolutely looking forward to a positive outcome from this petition.

Aberdeen Ethnic Minority Women's Group and all the minorities of Aberdeen are hoping to be supported by Aberdeen City Council by helping us with practicing our faith and cultures in our denominational schools and hope to send our kids to a Secondary Catholic school after they finish their primary RC school education.

2024-06-07 16:33:07 +0100

We have an in-person meeting in Aberdeen tomorrow with the petitioners. Only if you RSVP, you could find the address.

Meanwhile, we are awaiting some confirmations from Aberdeen City Council for submitting the petition as a collective next week.

Please continue signing. We will find a solution together, closing our schools is not the solution.

If the council agrees to have a secondary school along with another primary school, Counteswells development is an option. I am confident that all the parents would be keen to secure properties there if we are granted permission for a new Catholic secondary and primary school in that catchment.

2024-06-03 12:53:25 +0100

I heard back from Councillor Stewart of Aberdeen City Council that the proposal to close down one of the schools is still on the cards, and the response to the newspaper article was deliberately vague.

The link is:

Please sign this petition, as requested by the Diocese of Aberdeen.

2024-05-31 21:20:17 +0100

Thank you for your support and love.

Our signed petition has reached the decision-makers in Aberdeen City Council. However, we still need to persevere. On June 7th, we will officially hand over the petition.

The Aberdeen City Council has responded. They would not close the schools. However, they did not specify what exactly they intended to do with the buildings, which they had previously declared unfit for use as schools.

We still are not sure what their plans are. There is a lot of disinformation going around, and they removed their previous offensive comments about the fates of our denominational schools.

Yet, we cannot stop. We need assurances and answers. We also need to know if the Secondary school plan will go ahead and if the council will let the schools remain where they are. If they are planning to move even one of the schools to another area, would that serve the wider community?

Kindest Regards,
Elizabeth Spencer

2024-05-30 01:00:28 +0100

500 signatures reached

2024-05-27 13:43:33 +0100

We urge everyone to share this widely. It also has the feasibility study link from Aberdeen City Council that needs to be filled.

We are teaming up with Aberdeen Ethnic Minority Women's Group ( to campaign our cause, because the move to close down the school would effect Aberdeen's ethnic minorities.

2024-05-27 12:53:30 +0100

100 signatures reached